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Best baffle filter chimney in India

A baffle filter chimney is lower in cost but does require a bit more day to day maintenance than filterless chimneys. I’ve linked to a detailed video on baffle vs filterless as well as best filterless chimneys in the description. I’ll cover the best baffle filter chimneys in this video. The recommendations are towards the end after the analysis.



Let’s start with various criteria you have to consider:


Chimneys come in 2 different sizes in general - 60 cm width and 90 cm width. If you have a 60cm hob / cooktop and you do not use too much oil in cooking then a 60 cm chimney is sufficient. Else you may need a 90 cm model. In this video, I will cover only 60cm models. All the recommendations will have a 90 cm variant too - which I will link in the description.


Chimneys vary in suction power as well. The models compared have a suction power from 1100 m3/hr to 1500m3/hr. The suction power determines how much oil, grease, and heat the chimney is able to suck from the air. The suction power of the chimney you buy should be determined based on

  1. the size of your kitchen - Larger kitchen requires a larger suction power

  2. how long your pipe is and if there are any bends in the pipe - If your pipe is over 5-6ft or there are multiple bends in your pipe, larger suction power is required as more effort has to be expended in pushing out the air

  3. whether you predominantly cook vegetarian or non vegetarian food. If you predominantly cook non-veg food - larger suction power is required

Amongst the models compared, Faber has the highest suction power of 1500m3/hr but it is not always required as mentioned above. Around 1200m3/hr is the most commonly purchased one - which is ideal for Indian households. Also remember - higher the suction power, the sound could be higher as well. Amongst the models compared - the Faber models, Hindware models and some Elica models have the lowest sound to suction power ratio.


You can get 1, 2, or 3 baffle filters in the chimney. There is really no research to claim that 3 is better than 1 or 2. All baffle filters are to be washed regularly - once a week or fortnightly based on the oil usage in your cooking. Since they are typically made of stainless steel - they can be washed in a dishwasher too. You can soak the filters in hot water and scrub off the oil. You also get filter cleaning services - which you can engage in occasionally.


Let’s talk about the auto clean function. Most chimneys compared have a heat based auto clean - which means that the insides are heated to melt the oil and grease which then gets collected in an oil filter. Only the Hindware Cleo model has a water based auto clean - so it requires an inlet if you want to use this feature.

Let’s talk about the aesthetics - in general there are glass or stainless steel hoods (typically on top) and then there are the stainless steel filters which are visible. You can choose one based on your preference - have indicated what is what here. All models are ducted models - but many can be converted to ductless by adding a carbon filter. However, many of the vendors do not either have it in stock or encourage it.

Gesture based control is one of the latest improvements - which can be useful esp. While cooking when your hands are dirty. The other options available are touch controls OR button controls. All of those are listed on the screen.


Pricing varies from 8,000 to about 15000 in the high end. But 10-12k is the sweetspot in these chimneys. Warranty is generally 1 year with the exception of a few models from Hindware, Kaff and Inalsa. Most brands give a 5+ year warranty on the motor in addition, with the exception of sunflame.


So based on ALL these criteria, my best recommendations for baffle chimneys are:

  1. I mentioned that 1200 cmh is a sweetspot of chimneys that will suit most kitchens. So my recommendations for these are:

    1. the Faber HOOD model with 1200 cubic meter per hour suction, a relatively low noise level of 52db, double layer baffle filter, and a 1 year warranty on the product with 5 years on the motor. This faber baffle chimney at around 10k gives the best value for money. The service is fairly good in most parts of the country.

    2. The Elica Nero - available at a price of about 11K, it has a 1200 cubic meter per hour suction power, touch control only, double baffle filters, heat based auto clean. It does give a 1 year warranty on the chimney with 5 years on the motor. THe only con I see is a slightly higher noise level at 58db - compared to 52db in the Faber model recommended.

  2. For large kitchens or high oil usage - I have 2 recommendations:

    1. the Faber HOOD with 1500 cubic meter per hour suction, a relatively low noise level of 58db, gesture and touch control, double layer baffle filter, and a 1 year warranty on the product with 5 years on the motor. At a price of about 14k, it is on the higher end of baffle filter chimneys, but does give a much better suction power and high end specs.

    2. The Hindware Nevio Plus model available at a pricepont of about 14K, it offers a 1400 cubic meter per hour suction (slightly lower than the Faber model recommended), relatively low noise level of 58db, a 1 year warranty with 5 years on the motor. The only spec that is lower relative to the Faber model recommended earlier is the number of baffle filters - in this case its single - but like I said earlier, there is no specific research which says double or triple is better, but it could be. The other is that this only has touch controls and no gesture controls.



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